What: Whether you're in college, starting your career, or just figuring out what's next, being a young adult presents a whole mess of life choices. career path, relationships, where to live, how to spend your time and most importantly – what role does faith have? This is a group where we are navigating life together, seeking to be obedient to Jesus, to grow in his Word, and in community with other believers.
We do this by sharing a meal together, by digging deep into Scripture to see what the Bible truly teaches, by engaging in honest conversations, and by giving our prayers, praise, and worship to God.
We really believe that the Christian faith is more than simply going to church, reading your Bible and praying. Jesus deserves to have our whole life. We believe this is best achieved in community, building up one another for the kingdom. If you want to be stretched and strengthened in Christ this is the group for you.
When: We meet Tuesdays 5:30-8:00pm.
Where: The Youth Center - Building E (the building with the steeple closest to the street)
Who: Ages 18-30. If you fall into that range and are looking to grow in God and community with your peers, please join us.