Following Jesus was never intended to be an individual activity, it's a team sport
Lives are changed when we follow Jesus together, not just in a large group setting, but in small groups as well. We want you to be connected with others who are following Christ so you can walk through real-life issues alongside people who really know you.
Community groups are a place where you will encourage, support, and pray for one other as you challenge each other to continue growing in your knowledge and love of God as you do three things:
- Be With Jesus
- Become Like Jesus
- Do as Jesus Did
Resources for Community Group Members
The Spiritual Health Reflection is a self-assessment tool designed to help you gauge your inner life with God and the person you are becoming in Christ. It typically takes about 5 - 10 minutes to complete.
The Reflection is designed as an ongoing tool to track the trajectory of your formation over time. Once you’ve completed more than one Reflection, the results will include visualized data to indicate movement in key areas of your apprenticeship. The aim is to better name Jesus’ loving direction in your discipleship journey.
End-of-Season Survey. Complete this form to give us feedback regarding your community group. Answer questions like, "What was the best thing about your group" "How can your group facilitator improve their leadership of the group?" and
Time Budget
A time budget is a very useful tool that helps you design an "ideal week". Just like a budget for your money, a time budget is simply a plan for how you will spend your time each week, each day, down to each hour. The beauty of this tool is that having a detailed plan gives you the power to take control of your life; it empowers you to live the life you want, and to accomplish the goals you have. Living without a plan for how you use your time means you are just letting life happen to you.
Isn't it time for you to take control of your schedule and live by the priorities you actually value most? Coming soon: an article and a free spreadsheet to help you get started!